Biology Part 1



This course is designed to align with a traditional high school biology course just about anywhere in the United States. While it will be aligned with standards established in most states, for now it will be geared for New York State, Virginia, and North Carolina. Additionally, national standards will be added as the webpage is being built.

For best results with links, right click and open in a new tab.

Links for State Curriculum Guides:
New York State
North Carolina

Please be patient as this site gets up and running. Mr. Jowsey's previous science website is no longer accessible, but we are working hard to reestablish the plethera of learning resources here. Thank you, and happy learning.


UNIT 1 - Introduction to Life Science


Read and answer check for understanding and worksheet questions Ch 1-1 Asking About Life Textbook icon 

Vocabulary 1 - In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Scientific method, observation, hypothesis, controlled experiment, control group, experimental group, qualitative data, quantitative data, independent (manipulated) variable, dependent (responding) variable, conclusion.

Read and answer check for understanding and worksheet questions Ch 1-2 Scientific Methods Textbook icon 

Science and the Scientific Method - Google Slide Presentation Google Slides icon 

Science and the Scientific Method Guided Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Writing Hypotheses - Worksheet 1 Blank Paper icon       Writing Hypotheses - Worksheet 2 Blank Paper icon 

Identifying Variables Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 2 - In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Scientific theory, scientific law, scientific model.

Read and answer check for understanding and worksheet questions Ch1-3 Scientific Models Textbook icon 

Vocabulary 3 - In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: mass, area, volume, temperature, compound light microscope, electron microscope, technology

Read and answer check for understanding and worksheet questions Ch 1-4 Tools, Measurement, and Safety Textbook icon 

Parts and Use of a Microscope Worksheet Blank Paper icon              Microscopy Virtual Laboratory Microscope icon 


UNIT 2 - Is It Alive??

Vocabulary 4 - In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: asexual reproduction, cell, heredity, homeostasis, metabolism, sexual reproduction, stimulus

Read and answer check for understanding and worksheet questions Ch 2-1 Characteristics of Living Things Textbook icon 

Vocabulary 5 - In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: ATP, Carbohydrate, Consumer, Decomposer, Lipid, Nucleic Acid, Phospholipid, Producer, Protein