Earth/Environmental Science

Welcome to Mr. Jowsey's Earth/Environmental Science Course!!

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Course Syllabus Article icon      Classroom Rules/Expectations Article icon 

Earth/Environmental Science NC Standards Article icon 

1. Introduction to Earth/Environmental Science

A - Branches of Earth/Environmental Science

Vocabulary 1 -* In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, environmental science, ecology, geochemistry

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 1-1 Branches of Earth Science Textbook icon 

Complete Ch 1-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Branches of Science Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle Blank Paper icon 

B - Scientific Method

Vocabulary 2 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Scientific method, observation, inference, hypothesis, independent (manipulated) variable, dependent (responding) variable, controlled experiment, quantitative data, qualitative data, constant, analyze, conclusion

The Scientific Process - Video Video icon    The Scientific Process Video Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Google Slides Notes Presentation - Science and the Scientific Method Google Slides icon 

Science and the Scientific Method Guided Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 1-2 Scientific Methods in Earth Science Textbook icon 

Complete Ch 1-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Scientific Method Worksheet 1 Blank Paper icon  Scientific Method: Critical Thinking Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Scientific Method: Performing an Experiment Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Scientific Method Virtual Laboratory Microscope icon Scientific Method Laboratory Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 3 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Scientific theory, scientific law, physical model, mathematical model, conceptual model

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 1-3 Scientific Models Textbook icon 

Complete Ch 1-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon   


2. Earth's Role and Place in Space

North Carolina Standards:

EEn.1.1.1 Explain the Earth’s motion through space, including precession, nutation, the barycenter, and its path about the galaxy.

EEn.1.1.2 Explain how the Earth’s rotation and revolution about the Sun affect its shape and is related to seasons and tides.

EEn.1.1.3 Explain how the sun produces energy which is transferred to the Earth by radiation.

EEn.1.1.4 Explain how incoming solar energy makes life possible on Earth. 


Explain the origin of the Earth’s motion based on the origin of the galaxy and its solar system.

• Recall Earth’s role in the hierarchy of organization within the universe and in the developmental continuum. (Universe is made of galaxies which are made of many stars. Some stars have planetary systems similar to our solar system.

* Earth is a satellite planet of one particular star.


Vocabulary 4 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Big bang theory, cosmology

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 19-4 Formation of the Universe Textbook icon 

Chapter 19-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 5 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: nebula, solar nebula, nuclear fusion, sunspot 

Google Slides Notes Presentation: A Solar System is Born Google Slides icon 

A Solar System is Born Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 20-1 A Solar System is Born Textbook icon  

Chapter 20-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 20-2 The Sun: Our Very Own Star Textbook icon 

Chapter 20-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 6 - * In your vocabulary notebook, list and explain Kepler's 3 laws of planetary motion, precession, nutation, barycenter, revolution, rotation, perihelion, aphilion 

Planetary Motion - Google Slides Presentation Google Slides icon Planetary Motion Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 20-4: Planetary Motion Textbook icon  

Chapter 20-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon     Bill Nye Explains Seasons - Video

Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion - Video Video icon  

Planetary Motion Worksheet (Quiz) Blank Paper icon 


3. Earth Takes Shape

EEn.2.1.1 Explain how the rock cycle, plate tectonics, volcanoes, and earthquakes impact the lithosphere.

EEn.2.1.2 Predict the locations of volcanoes, earthquakes, and faults based on information contained in a variety of maps.

EEn.2.1.3 Explain how natural actions such as weathering, erosion (wind, water and gravity), and soil formation affect Earth’s surface.

EEn.2.1.4 Explain the probability of and preparation for geohazards such as landslides, avalanches, earthquakes and volcanoes in a particular area based on available data

Vocabulary 7 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: asthenosphere, core, crust, lithosphere, mantle, mesosphere, tectonic plates


The Earth Takes Shape - Google Slides Presentation Google Slides icon 

The Earth Takes Shape Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 20-3 The Earth Takes Shape Textbook icon 

Chapter 20-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Structure and Composition of Earth - Video Video icon 

Structure and Composition of Earth - Video Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 7-1 Inside the Earth Textbook icon 

Chapter 7-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Earth's Structure Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Annenberg Learner - Interactives: Dynamic Earth Virtual Laboratory Microscope icon 

Dynamic Earth - Interactive Worksheet Blank Paper icon 



Vocabulary 8 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: seafloor spreading, continental drift

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 7-2 Restless Continents Textbook icon 

Chapter 7-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  Continental Drift - Video Video icon 

Continental Drift - Google Slides Presentation Google Slides icon  Continental Drift Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 



Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 7-3 Theory of Plate Tectonics Textbook icon 

Chapter 7-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 9*In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: convergent boundary, divergent boundary, transform boundary, rift valley, subduction zone.

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics Virtual Laboratory 1 Microscope icon  

Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics Laboratory 1 Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Plate Tectonics Phet Virtual Laboratory Microscope icon Phet Plate Tectonics Laboratory Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Annenberg Learner: Plate Boundaries Virtual Laboratory Microscope icon 


Plate Tectonics - Boundaries Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Seafloor Spreading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 10 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Compression, fault, folding, subsidence, tension, uplift, mantle plume

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 7-4 Deforming The Earth's Crust Textbook icon 

Chapter 7-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Deforming Earth's Crust - Google Slides presentation Google Slides icon Deforming Earth's Crust Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Plate Tectonics Review Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Tectonics Practice Test Blank Paper icon 



Vocabulary 11 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: deformation, elastic rebound, P wave, S wave, seismic wave, seismology

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 8-1 What are Earthquakes? Textbook icon 

Chapter 8-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

What are Earthquakes? - Google Slides presentation Google Slides icon  What are Earthquakes - Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 12 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: epicenter, focus, seismogram, seismograph 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 8-2 Measuring Earthquakes Textbook icon 

Chapter 8-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon   

The World's Deadliest Earthquakes | Mega Disaster | Spark - Video Video icon  

Vocabulary 13 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: gap hypothesis, seismic gap

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 8-3 Earthquakes and Society Textbook icon 

Chapter 8-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Locating an Earthquake Virtual Laboratory Microscope icon Locating an Earthquake Lab Worksheet Blank Paper icon 



Vocabulary 14 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: magma chamber, vent, volcano, aa lava, pahoehoe lava, pillow lava, pyroclastic flows.

Volcanic Eruptions - Google Slides Presentation     Volcanic Eruptions Guided Notes Worksheet

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 9-1 Volcanic Eruptions 

Volcano Project and Scoring Rubric Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 15 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: caldera, crater, lava plateau, shield volcano, cinder cone volcano, composite volcano, hot spot

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 9-2 Effects of Volcanic Eruptions Textbook icon 

Chapter 9-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Hot Spot Graphing Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Annenberg Learner Interactive - Volcanoes Virtual Laboratory Microscope icon 

Virtual Volcano Laboratory Microscope icon  Volcano Laboratory Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 9-3 Causes of Volcanic Eruptions Textbook icon 

Chapter 9-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Hot Spot Graphing Worksheet Blank Paper icon



Vocabulary 16 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: composition, deposition, erosion, rock, rock cycle, texture

Bill Nye Rock Cycle - Video Video icon  

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 4-1 The Rock Cycle Textbook icon 

Chapter 4-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Annenberg Learner Interactive Virtual Laboratory - The Rock Cycle Microscope icon 

The Rock Cycle Interactive Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Classifying Rocks Google Slides Presentation Google Slides icon Classifying Rocks Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Classifying Rocks Questions Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 17 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: extrusive igneous rock, intrusive igneous rock 

Igneous Rock - Video  Video icon   

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 4-2 Igneous Rock Textbook icon 

Chapter 4-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 18 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: deposition, compaction, cementation, sedimentary rock, strata, stratification, weathering

Sedimentary Rock - Video Video icon  

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 4-3 Sedimentary Rock Textbook icon 

Chapter 4-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Virtual Rock Laboratory Microscope icon  Virtual Rock Lab Report Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 19 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: contact metamorphism, regional metamorphism, foliated, nonfoliated

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 4-4 Metamorphic Rocks Textbook icon 

Chapter 4-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 


Weathering/Erosion/Soil Formation 

Vocabulary 20 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: abrasion, acid precipitation, chemical weathering, mechanical weathering, weathering.

Read and answer check for understanding and worksheet questions Chapter 10-1 Weathering Textbook icon 

Vocabulary 21 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: differential weathering, climate, elevation, slope, surface area.

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 10-2 Rates of Weathering Textbook icon 

Chapter 10-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Virtual Weathering Laboratory Microscope icon Weathering Laboratory Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 22 - In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: bedrock, humus, leaching, parent rock, soil, soil structure, soil texture

Soil - Google Slides Presentation Google Slides icon Soil Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon

Soil Article Assignment and Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 10-3 From Bedrock to Soil Textbook icon 

Chapter 10-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 23 - In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: erosion, soil conservation, habitat, contour plowing, terraces, no-till farming, cover crops, crop rotation

Rocks and Soil - Bill Nye Video Video icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 10-4 Soil Conservation Textbook icon 

Chapter 10-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 23A - In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Sand, Silt, Clay, Permeability, Porosity

Soil Type and Groundwater Virtual Laboratory Microscope icon Soil Type and Groundwater Lab Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Rocks and Soil Test Review Worksheet Blank Paper icon 


The Flow of Fresh Water 

Vocabulary 24 - In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Channel, divide, erosion, load, tributary, water cycle, watershed.

Vocabulary 25 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, percolation, surface runoff, infiltration, groundwater.

The Water Cycle Web Based Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

The Water Cycle - Review Video Video icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 11-1 The Active River Textbook icon 

Chapter 11-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 26 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: alluvial fan, delta, deposition, floodplain 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 11-2 Stream and River Deposits Textbook icon 

Chapter 11-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 27 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: aquifer, artesian spring, permeability, porosity, recharge zone, water table

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 11-3 Water Underground Textbook icon 

Chapter 11-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 28 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: nonpoint - source pollution, point - source pollution, septic tank, sewage treatment plant


Vocabulary 28a - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the term: Tragedy of the Commons, Drip irrigation

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 11-4 Using Water Wisely Textbook icon 

Chapter 11-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Using Water Wisely - Google Slides Presentation Google Slides icon  Using Water Wisely Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Using Water Wisely Review Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Human Impact on Freshwater Ecosystems - Web Article Article icon   Human Impact Web Article Worksheet Blank Paper icon 




EEn.1.1.1 Explain the Earth’s motion through space, including precession, nutation, the barycenter, and its path about the galaxy.

Review Vocab 1 - Define the terms: Rotation, revolution, angle of insolation, summer solstice, vernal equinox, winter solstice, autumnal equinox, elipse 

Review Vocab 2 - Define the terms: Precession, nutation, barycenter


Midterm Review Worksheet 1 Blank Paper icon  

Video Notes for Notes Box 1 from Midterm Review Worksheet 1 Video icon       Midterm Review Worksheet 2 Blank Paper icon 

EEn.1.1.2 Explain how the Earth’s rotation and revolution about the Sun affect its shape and is related to seasons and tides.
EEn.1.1.3 Explain how the sun produces energy which is transferred to the Earth by radiation.
EEn.1.1.4 Explain how incoming solar energy makes life possible on Earth.

EEn.2.1.1 Explain how the rock cycle, plate tectonics, volcanoes, and earthquakes impact the lithosphere.

Review Vocab 3 - Nuclear fusion, Nuclear fission, photosynthesis

Review Vocab 4 - Continental Drift, plate tectonics, earthquake, volcano, convergent boundary, divergent boundary, transform boundary

Midterm Review Worksheet 2/3 Blank Paper icon 

Virtual Rock Laboratory Microscope icon  Virtual Rock Lab Report Worksheet Blank Paper icon




Shoreline Erosion & Deposition - Google Slides Presentation Google Slides icon 

Shoreline Erosion & Deposition Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 29 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: beach, shoreline, longshore current, wave period, sea cliff, sea cave, sea arch, sea stack, headlands, wave-cut terraces, sandbar, barrier spit, barrier island.

Shoreline Erosion and Deposition (Coastal Battleground) Video Video icon 

Shoreline Erosion & Deposition Video Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Where's The Beach - Erosion & Deposition Article Blank Paper icon   Where's The Beach - Article Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 12-1 Shoreline Erosion and Deposition Textbook icon 

Chapter 12-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 30 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: abrasion, deflation, dune, loess, saltation 

Wind Erosion Video Video icon    Wind Erosion Video Worksheet Blank Paper icon

The 'Sand Monster,' Europe's tallest dune, is migrating inland - Video Video icon

The 'Sand Monster' Video Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 12-2 Wind Erosion and Deposition Textbook icon 

Chapter 12-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 31 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: glacial drift, glacier, stratified drift, till

Glaciers Video Video icon  

What are Glaciers Video Video icon 

Glaciers Video Worksheet  Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 12-3 Erosion and Deposition by Ice Textbook icon 

Chapter 12-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 32 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms rock falls, rock slides, debris flow, earthflow, mudflow, creep

Gravity Erosion Video Video icon     Gravity & Erosion Video Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 12-4 The Effect of Gravity on Erosion and Deposition Textbook icon 

Chapter 12-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Agents of Erosion and Deposition Vocab Review Crossword Puzzle Blank Paper icon 



National Geographic Landslides - Video Video icon    

Landslide Types and Processes - USGS Article Daily News icon   Landslide Types and Processes - USGS Article Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Avalanche Facts - Video Video icon     Avalanche Facts Video Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 33 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: avalanche, slab avalanche Avalanche Article Daily News icon      Avalanche Article Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

National Geographic - Tsunamis 101 Video Video icon   Tsunami Video Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 34 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: tsunami, tidal wave, bore, horizontal inundation distance, marigraph, tsunami period, runup, 

Geohazards Tsunami Project Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Tsunami Assignment One Reading Article Daily News icon 



North Carolina Standards: 

EEn.2.2 Understand how human influences impact the lithosphere.

EEn.2.2.1 Explain the consequences of human activities on the lithosphere (such as mining, deforestation, agriculture, overgrazing, urbanization, and land use) past and present.

EEn.2.2.2 Compare the various methods humans use to acquire traditional energy sources (such as peat, coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear fission, and wood).

Vocabulary 35 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the following terms (This is part one of the project posted below.. follow project directions for submitting your vocab 33): Mining, deforestation, agriculture, overgrazing, urbanization, tragedy of the commons, extinction, climate change, acid rain, desertification, pollution, ecosystem, biodiversity, hectare, global warming, invasive species, overharvesting   (This vocab is part of your Understanding Human Impact Project)

Understanding How Human Influences Impact the Lithosphere Project Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Understanding How Human Influences Impact the Lithosphere - Deforestation Worksheet Blank Paper icon 



NC Standards:

EEn.2.3.1 Explain how water is an energy agent (currents and heat transfer).

EEn.2.4.2 Evaluate human influences on water quality in North Carolina’s river basins, wetlands and tidal environments.

EEn.2.6.4 Attribute changes to Earth’s systems to global climate change (temperature change, changes in pH of ocean, sea level changes, etc.).


Vocabulary 36 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: salinity, surface zone, thermocline, deep zone.

Introduction to Earth's Oceans Google Slide Notes Google Slides icon  Earth's Oceans Guided Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 13-1 Earth's Oceans Textbook icon 

Chapter 13-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 37 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: abyssal plain, continental rise, continental shelf, continental slope, mid ocean ridge, ocean trench, rift valley, seamount

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 13-2 The Ocean Floor Textbook icon 

Chapter 13-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 38 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Coriolis effect, deep current, ocean current, surface current, density driven current.

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 14-1 Currents Textbook icon 

Chapter 14-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 39- *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: El Niño, La Niña, upwelling, climate, ocean gyre

Ocean Currents - Bill Nye Video Video icon 

How Do Ocean Currents Work? Video Video icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions  Chapter 14-2 Currents and Climate Textbook icon 

Chapter 14-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  Ocean Currents Worksheet Blank Paper icon 



How Tides Work - Video Video icon

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 14-4 Tides Textbook icon 

Chapter 14-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 40 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: desalination, nonpoint-source pollution, point-source pollution, raw sewage, sludge dumping

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 13-4 Resources from the Ocean Textbook icon 

Chapter 13-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 13-5 Ocean Pollution Textbook icon 

Chapter 13-5 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  



North Carolina Standards

EEn.2.5.1 Summarize the structure and composition of our atmosphere.

EEn.2.5.2 Explain the formation of typical air masses and the weather systems that result from air mass interactions.

EEn.2.5.3 Explain how cyclonic storms form based on the interaction of air masses.

EEn.2.5.4 Predict the weather using available weather maps and data (including surface, upper atmospheric winds, and satellite imagery).

EEn.2.5.5 Explain how human activities affect air quality.


Vocabulary 41 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: air pressure, atmosphere, mesosphere, stratosphere, thermosphere, troposphere, ozone layer.

Characteristics of Earth's Atmosphere Video Video icon     Earth's Atmosphere Video Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Earth's Atmosphere Reference Page Blank Paper icon  

Characteristics of Earth's Atmosphere Google Slides Notes Google Slides icon 

Characteristics of Earth's Atmosphere Notes Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Characteristics of Earth's Atmosphere Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 15-1 Characteristics of Our Atmosphere Textbook icon 

Chapter 15-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 42 - * In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: convection, global warming, greenhouse effect, radiation, thermal conduction.

Read and answer check for understanding questions Chapter 15-2 Atmospheric Heating Textbook icon 

Chapter 15-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 43 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: Coriolis effect, jet stream, polar easterlies, trade winds, westerlies, wind, acid precipitation, air pollution.

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 15-3 Global Winds and Local Winds Textbook icon  

Chapter 15-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon Global and Local Winds Review Video Video icon

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 15-4 Air Pollution Textbook icon 

Chapter 15-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon    

What Causes Air Pollution Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

What are the Health Impacts of Air Pollution Reading Article and Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Acid Rain Video Video icon 

What is Acid Rain Reading Article and Worksheet Blank Paper icon 



Vocabulary 44 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: cloud, condensation, humidity, precipitation, relative humidity, weather, climate.

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 16-1 Water in the Air Textbook icon 

Chapter 16-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 45 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: air mass, anticyclone, cyclone, front

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 16-2 Air Masses and Fronts Textbook icon 

Chapter 16-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  Air Masses and Fronts -Review Video Video icon

Air Masses and Fronts Article and Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Vocabulary 46- *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: hurricane, lightning, thunder, thunderstorm, tornado. 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 16-3 Severe Weather Textbook icon 

Chapter 16-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 47 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: anemometer, barometer, thermometer

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 16-4 Forecasting Weather Textbook icon 

Chapter 16-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon  

Predicting the Weather Virtual Laboratory Microscope icon Predicting Weather Laboratory Worksheet Blank Paper icon 



North Carolina Standards:

EEn.2.6.1 Differentiate between weather and climate.

EEn.2.6.2 Explain changes in global climate due to natural processes.

EEn.2.6.3 Analyze the impacts that human activities have on global climate change (such as burning hydrocarbons, greenhouse effect, and deforestation).

EEn.2.6.4 Attribute changes to Earth’s systems to global climate change (temperature change, changes in pH of ocean, sea level changes, etc.).

Vocabulary 48 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: biome, climate, elevation, latitude, prevailing winds, surface current, weather.

What is Climate? - Video Video icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 17-1 What is Climate? Textbook icon 

Chapter 17-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 49 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: tropic zone, microclimate, polar zone, temperate zone

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 17-2 The Tropics Textbook icon 

Chapter 17-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 17-3 Temperate and Polar Zones Textbook icon 

Chapter 17-3 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 50 -*In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: global warming, greenhouse effect, ice age.

Read and answer check for understanding questions Ch 17-4 Changes in Climate Textbook icon 

Chapter 17-4 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 



North Carolina Standards:

EEn.2.7.1 Explain how abiotic and biotic factors interact to create the various biomes in North Carolina.

EEn.2.7.2 Explain why biodiversity is important to the biosphere.

EEn.2.7.3 Explain how human activities impact the biosphere.

EEn.2.8.1 Evaluate alternative energy technologies for use in North Carolina.

EEn.2.8.2 Critique conventional and sustainable agriculture and aquaculture practices in terms of their environmental impacts.

EEn.2.8.3 Explain the effects of uncontrolled population growth on the Earth’s resources.

EEn.2.8.4 Evaluate the concept of “reduce, reuse, recycle” in terms of impact on natural resources.


Vocabulary 51 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: abiotic factor, biotic factor, habitat, niche (neesh), organism, species, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere, biodiversity, symbiosis, mutualism, commensalism, parasitism.

Read and answer check for understanding questions Bio Ch 2-1 Organisms and Their Environment Textbook icon 

Bio Chapter 2-1 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 52 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: autotrophs, biomass, decomposers, food chain, food web, heterotroph, trophic level.

Read and answer check for understanding questions  Bio Ch 2-2 Nutrition and Energy Flow Textbook icon 

Chapter 2-2 Reading Worksheet Blank Paper icon 

Vocabulary 53 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: climax community, limiting factor, primary succession, secondary succession.

Ecological Succession Video - Video icon 

Read and answer check for understanding and worksheet questions Bio Ch 3-1 Communities Textbook icon 

Vocabulary 54 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: biome, desert, estuary, grassland, intertidal zone, taiga, temperate deciduous forest, tropical rain forest, tundra.

Read and answer check for understanding and worksheet questions Bio Ch 3-2 Biomes Textbook icon 

Vocabulary 55 - *In your vocabulary notebook, list and describe the major features of the three biomes of North Carolina - Coastal, Piedmont, Appalachian Mountains.

Major Biomes of the World and North Carolina - Article and Worksheet Blank Paper icon 



Vocabulary 56 - *In your vocabulary notebook, define the terms: carrying capacity, density dependent factors, density independent factors, exponential growth, life history pattern.

Read and answer check for understanding and worksheet questions Bio -ES Ch 4.1 Population Dynamics Textbook icon